Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyer

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Albuquerque Personal Injury Attorney

Experiencing an accident because of someone else’s negligence may be frustrating as well as lead to serious bodily injury and even death. For this reason, New Mexico laws provide various avenues to pursue adequate and fair compensation for those injured following different types of accidents. It is imperative that you contact a knowledgeable Albuquerque personal injury lawyer following an accident to understand your rights and options.

The seasoned personal injury team at Youngers Law, PA, is ready to serve you and your loved ones by fighting for you in court and ensuring that recovered personal injury damages are in proportion to the seriousness of your injury and losses. Our legal team possesses a breadth of knowledge and skills to help our clients succeed in their personal injury cases.

Serving the Albuquerque community and clients all over New Mexico, Our team is fully dedicated to each case. You can rest assured that your claim is being handled with the utmost care by a highly qualified attorney.

Best Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyer

Benefits of Working With a Trusted Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyer

Deciding to pursue a personal injury claim can be daunting as you try to balance your healing, rearranging your life to accommodate your recuperation and the complicated aspects of a civil suit. For this reason, it is highly advised that you work with a trusted personal injury lawyer with years of practice handling personal injury cases successfully.

A law firm dedicated to personal injury cases can assist in a multitude of ways, including:

  • Answering your questions. They can inform you whether your claim has merits, what evidence you need to provide in your case, whether to negotiate or go to trial, and what type of compensation you can expect.
  • Leading negotiations. A qualified personal injury attorney goes head-to-head with opposing counsel, negotiating on your behalf to get you the maximum damages.
  • Representing you in court. When negotiations fall through or when it is suitable to pursue litigation, they work with you to gather the necessary evidence and mount a robust case that demonstrates you are duly entitled to compensation.

A skilled personal injury attorney does the heavy lifting for you. They dig through information and determine what is useful or not for your case. They find adequate experts, and they are eloquent in presenting your case, especially when attempting to prove you are entitled to non-financial damages.

If you are considering whether to pursue a case or if you have made the decision to file a claim, Youngers Law, PA, can walk step by step with you as you build your case.

Types of Personal Injury Cases Handled by Our Team

There are plenty of misconceptions regarding what constitutes a personal injury and whether certain accidents or injuries qualify for a personal injury claim. It is always wise to consult an attorney before deciding that your case has no merits.

Youngers Law, PA, handles a range of personal injury cases. A personal injury claim may arise when a person suffers an injury or endures property damage, and the fault is total or partial. lies with another party.

The following are some of the kinds of personal injury cases handled by our firm:

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

Motor vehicle accident claims can be pursued when accidents that involve a passenger vehicle, a rideshare vehicle, a truck, a motorcycle, or a bicycle, and even commercial vehicles lead to injury. If you have sustained an injury or your property was damaged following a motor vehicle accident, you could be entitled to compensation.

Many motor vehicle accidents occur due to the negligence of the vehicle operator. Negligence may be found if the driver was operating a vehicle under the influence (DUI), was texting while driving, was engaging in drag racing, or failed to follow the rules of the road in New Mexico.

Regardless of whether you were a driver, a passenger, or a pedestrian, you may have a claim against the negligent party beyond minimum insurance coverage. You can also pursue a claim if the negligent party was operating a vehicle without adequate vehicle insurance.

Medical Malpractice Claims

Despite the positive reputation that medical professionals enjoy, there are times when medical staff and hospital administrators engage in negligent actions that can cause injury to their patients. For this reason, the law allows the pursuit of medical malpractice claims to hold these professionals accountable and provide compensation to those injured.

Some examples of medical malpractice include:

  • Failure to provide a timely diagnosis leads to a worsening medical condition
  • Administration of inappropriate or harmful medication
  • Errors during surgery leading to nerve damage or operating on the wrong body part
  • Discharging a patient prematurely or without appropriate medical instructions

Medical malpractice cases are complex, and not all incidents may entitle you or your loved ones to compensation. It is wise to discuss your case with a seasoned personal injury attorney to know where you stand.

Construction and Workplace Accident Cases

Most construction and workplace accident claims are paid through a company’s workers’ compensation insurance to an eligible employee. You may, however, be able to pursue a personal injury claim if you were injured at work at a construction site or while performing your job at or outside of a workplace if the accident resulted from a third party’s negligent action.

Negligence in construction sites may include improper inspection of a work vehicle or machine by a subcontractor, or when another worker failed to do their due diligence in inspecting equipment.

Accidents can also occur when there is a failure to provide adequate security measures in the workplace.

Premises Liability Cases

Joleen K. Youngers and her team are also adept at handling personal injury cases that fall under the umbrella of premises liability.

Premises liability is the concept that a property owner may be liable for any injury that occurs on their property because of their negligence. Negligence that leads to a slip or fall in the property, a collapse or falling object, or a dog bite can all be cause for a personal injury claim against a property owner.

Premise liability may extend to homeowners, private businesses, construction companies carrying out work on the street, and those in charge of public spaces. Negligence encompasses a wide range of actions, including failure to provide adequate security, placing a leash on a dog, obstructing a walkway, or leaving debris on the ground.

Premises liability cases are specific and based on case law. A knowledgeable injury attorney who understands the law well is the greatest asset you can have on a premises liability case.

Wrongful Death Claims

Unfortunately, the negligence of another person can result in the death of a loved one. You are not alone in this case. Our team works diligently to hold the negligent party accountable for their role in this tragic circumstance.

We provide compassionate support to next of kin who want to pursue a wrongful death suit to cover funeral expenses and loss of income following the passing of a loved one due to another’s negligence. More importantly, we work hard to hold the defendant accountable for the emotional damage they have inflicted due to their careless actions. Our team is committed to supporting you and your family through this difficult time.

Personal injury cases comprise a spectrum of accidents. If you suspect you are entitled to personal injury damages, it is important to speak with an attorney who can give adequate guidance on your claim and can help build a strong case.

Recommended Steps Following Suffering a Personal Injury in New Mexico

Accidents due to negligence can happen at any time. It is also difficult to assess the extent of the injuries you may sustain or the damages you can suffer following an incident. This is why it is important to take specific steps if you have suffered an accident. Steps you should take could include:

  • Receive immediate medical treatment. Seek immediate medical attention if you have been injured in an accident. Provide hospital staff details about how your injury occurred.
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer. Once you are able, contact a highly qualified personal injury lawyer who can advise you on the right course of action and whether you can file a personal injury claim.
  • File adequate claims. The law firm can assist you in filing the necessary claims following an accident, including insurance claims and a civil claim with your county district court.
  • Document your incident thoroughly. Due to the nature of most injuries, it may be necessary to receive continued medical care. It is important to document all your medical visits and dates when you received care for your incidents following an accident, as these may be covered by damages awarded in a civil claim.

Personal Injury Claim Process in Albuquerque, NM

Pursuing a personal injury claim involves several phases. Throughout the complex process, you may find the guidance of a seasoned New Mexico personal injury attorney who understands state law and the process of civil litigation in New Mexico courts helpful.

The first step is to determine if there are grounds to file a claim. There should be demonstrable harm that arose from the actions, total or partial, of another party.

You can then proceed to file a civil claim with the appropriate court and provide notification of the suit to the defendant within the mandated time frame.

Once the defendant has responded to the claim, both parties partake in the discovery process and pretrial negotiations. If a settlement cannot be reached, both parties may proceed to trial. A final judgment can be rendered by a judge or through a jury trial, and either party can appeal.

Potential Damages in a Personal Injury Case in New Mexico

A plaintiff in a personal injury case can obtain damages through an insurance company or following a settlement agreement with the other party. Damages are also awarded based on a verdict issued by a judge or jury.

Potential damages include compensatory damages such as any expenses that resulted from the actions or inactions of the defendant like. This compensation could include medical bills, property damage, or funeral expenses. This can also include non-economic damages for emotional suffering or trauma endured by the plaintiff.

A plaintiff can also be awarded punitive damages if the actions of the defendant were malice, egregious, malicious, or intentional.

The final amount awarded is based on legal caps for different types of claims, the ability of your attorney to negotiate a settlement, and whether you bear some responsibility for the accident.

A knowledgeable Albuquerque personal injury lawyer can give you a more accurate assessment of the damages you could be awarded based on the specifics of your claim.


Q: What Percentage Do Most Personal Injury Lawyers Take?

A: The percentage that a personal injury lawyer receives following the success of a claim is not universal. It is common for a personal injury attorney to discuss a contingency fee as compensation for their services with the client before the start of the case. They only receive compensation if a client’s claim is successful, affording clients legal counsel regardless of their economic situation.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury in New Mexico?

A:  The statute of limitations for personal injury cases in New Mexico is typically three years. Certain cases involving property damage or personal injury due to intentional tort may have a longer statute of limitations. Most civil claims have a statute of limitations between 2 years and 6 years, depending on the type of case.

Q: What Is an Example of a Personal Injury?

A: The term personal injury encompasses damage caused to a person physically, emotionally, or mentally, or to their property. Accidents that occur on private or public property due to the negligence of another person and that lead to harm, either physical or emotional, and to property damage may be cause for a personal injury suit.

Q: What Compensation Am I Entitled to for a Personal Injury Claim in NM?

A: If you are successful in your personal injury claim, you could recover compensatory damages, which covers any financial losses you suffered because of an accident. This may include medical costs, loss of wages, or property damage. You may also be entitled to damages for emotional harm caused by the incident. In rare occasions, punitive damages may be awarded if it is found the accident resulted from malice or intentional actions on the part of the defendant.

Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyer

An accident can lead to serious injuries, property damage, and even death. Youngers Law, PA, is committed to doing the painstaking work to get you the fair compensation you deserve following a motor vehicle accident, malpractice, or an accident caused by the negligence of a property owner.

Each case is unique. Speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you identify an effective approach to your claim. Schedule a free consultation with our firm so we can evaluate your personal injury case.

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