If you’ve been involved in a car accident, one of the most serious injuries you may have suffered is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). This can also be rather problematic because it may be a hidden internal injury. There are not always outward physical symptoms.
As such, it’s helpful to know what types of symptoms you should be looking for specifically. If you see them, it’s quite important to get medical care as soon as you can. Delaying this care can often make the ramifications of that injury far more severe.
Every brain injury is different, but here are 10 symptoms that many people see with a TBI:
Do you believe that you have suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s negligence in a car accident? They may not have injured you intentionally, but they certainly were responsible for that injury. If so, you may need to look into your options to seek financial compensation for medical bills and other costs.